Nissan Altima manuals

Nissan Altima (L34) 2019-2024 Owners Manual: Intelligent Around View Monitor system operation

With the ignition switch in the ON position, move the shift lever to the R (Reverse) position or press the CAMERA button to operate the Intelligent Around View Monitor.

The screen displayed on the Intelligent Around View Monitor will automatically return to the previous screen 3 minutes after the CAMERA button has been pressed with the shift lever in a position other than the R (Reverse) position.

Available views


Nissan Altima L34. Intelligent Around View Monitor
Front view

Front and rear view

Guiding lines that indicate the approximate vehicle width and distance to objects with reference to the vehicle body line A are displayed on the monitor.

Distance guide lines:

Indicate distances from the vehicle body:

Nissan Altima L34. Intelligent Around View Monitor
Rear view

Vehicle width guide lines 5 :

Indicate the approximate vehicle width when backing up.

Predicted course lines 6 :

Indicate the predicted course when operating the vehicle. The predicted course lines will be displayed on the monitor when the steering wheel is turned. The predicted course lines will move depending on how much the steering wheel is turned and will not be displayed while the steering wheel is in the straight-ahead position.

The front view will not be displayed when the vehicle speed is above 6mph(10 km/h).


When the monitor displays the front view and the steering wheel turns about 90 degrees or less from the straight-ahead position, both the right and left predicted course lines 6 are displayed.

When the steering wheel turns about 90 degrees or more, a line is displayed only on the opposite side of the turn.

Nissan Altima L34. Intelligent Around View Monitor

Bird’s-eye view

The bird's-eye view shows the overhead view of the vehicle, which helps confirm the vehicle position and the predicted course to a parking space.

The vehicle icon 1 shows the position of the vehicle. Note that the apparent distance between objects viewed in the bird's-eye view may differ somewhat from the actual distance to the vehicle.

The areas that the cameras cannot cover 2 are indicated in black.

After the ignition switched is placed in the ON position, the non-viewable area 2 is highlighted in yellow for 3 seconds after the birds-eye view is displayed.

In addition, the non-viewable corners are displayed in red and will blink for the first 3 seconds 3 to remind the driver to be cautious.


Nissan Altima L34. Intelligent Around View Monitor

Front-side view

Guiding lines

Guiding lines that indicate the approximate width and the front end of the vehicle are displayed on the monitor.

The front-of-vehicle line 1 shows the front part of the vehicle.

The side-of-vehicle line 2 shows the approximate vehicle width including the outside mirrors.

The extensions 3 of both the front 1 and side 2 lines are shown with a green dotted line.

Intelligent Around View Monitor (if so equipped)

CAMERA button WARNING Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for the proper use of the Intelligent Around View Monitor system could result in serious injury or death The Intelligent Aro ...

Difference between predicted and actual distances

The displayed guidelines and their locations on the ground are for approximate reference only. Objects on uphill or downhill surfaces or projecting objects will be actually located at distances differ ...